Blog: vaccines


World Rabies Day – September 28, 2017

Did you know that there is a whole day dedicated to rabies awareness and education?! September 28th is a World Rabies Day!


My Vaccination Day

Hey, it’s me again. Carrots… the Magnificent! That has a nice ring to it don’t you think? You will never believe what my humans did to me today. Let me set the stage. I had my breakfast and used the bathroom and enjoyed stinking my humans out. While they were…


Preparing Pets for Spring & Summer Time

As soon as the snow starts melting and the days get longer, people often have one thought on their mind: SUMMER! Summer is a fun season-for a lot of people it includes going to the lake, hiking, camping, and travelling! The heat of the summer brings more than just flip…


Puppy and Kitten Vaccines

Getting a new puppy or kitten is always exciting! But with all this excitement it is important to ensure your new furry friend is receiving the proper care in their young life. Part of this care includes receiving their vaccines. DOGS There are 3 “core” vaccines that are essential for…