Blog: Services


Cat X-rays Copy

Radiographs, commonly called x-rays, are a very helpful diagnostic tool. We can use x-rays to diagnose all types of things, like pregnancy, fractured bones, asthma, bladder stones, and more.


Dog Vaccinations

There are three core vaccines that are essential for dogs and puppies to have. The first of these is what is often referred to as the “distemper combination.” This combination vaccinates against distemper virus, adenovirus and parainfluenza virus. Then there is the Parvovirus vaccine and lastly, the rabies vaccine. It…


Puppy Vaccinations

Here at Mill Creek Animal Hospital, we believe that the vaccination of puppies is one of the most important steps in assuring the puppy will have a healthy and happy puppyhood. There are three core vaccines that are essential for dogs and puppies to have. The first of these is…


Dog Spaying and Neutering

Spaying and neutering are important procedures that will bring your dog many benefits, throughout his or her life. Here at Mill Creek, we do an ovariohysterectomy (removal of the uterus and both ovaries), commonly called spaying and for males, it is a castration (removal of both testes), commonly called neutering.