Blog: Dog


Dog X-ray

We use a digital radiography system for chest, abdomen, and extremity radiographs. For dental radiographs, we use film processing equipment.


Senior Dog Care

Senior dogs have different care requirements than those of a younger dog. Veterinary visits, nutritional diets and blood work become all the more important in the later stages of their lives.


Blood Tests for Dogs

Although doing a physical exam on your pet can help the doctor make a diagnosis, specific blood values can reveal more than the eye can see. Blood testing may be recommended for several reasons, whether that be pre-surgical, wellness screening, or for monitoring the effects of long term medication use.


Dog Anal Gland Expression

Anal glands, the hot topic of any day-to-day conversation! Anal gland material contains a scent for pets to mark their territory. They can become impacted and rupture if they are not being emptied naturally by the animal. When that happens, your dog can be quite uncomfortable and it can lead…