Q&A with Carrots the Clinic Cat

Over the weekend we were very fortunate to have an interview with our clinic cat, Carrots. He is a very busy cat so we were very lucky to have him make time in his day for us to ask him the “big questions” about being the man in charge.Where are you from?

I was found outside in the cold by a nice person when I was a wee lad, and they gave me to the clinic to find my “fur-ever” home but as it turns out a “regular” home is not for me. I was returned here a few times before it was decided the clinic life was the life for me.

You seem like a wise old man. How old are you anyway?

Wise? Yes. Old? No way. I am only six years old! I guess I know who I am NOT inviting to my next birthday party…pfft.

Don’t you get lonely overnight and on the weekends?

Not at all! I quite enjoy my alone time. Being famous is exhausting! A little time out of the limelight does a cat well. I have a few very comfortable sleeping areas around the clinic including my cat tree where you can often see me catching some zzzs…

Do you ever envy the cats who go outdoors?

No way! The indoors is where I am safest. Plus, who wants to go out into the cold… definitely not me! The only thing I want outside are those darn leaves outside the door… If you ever walk by the clinic, you might see me watching them swirl about on the sidewalk.

What is your favourite food?

I usually eat Purina Veterinary Diet’s EN Gastrointestinal formula. If I eat anything else the smell of my poops will spread through the entire clinic…oops to much information. Sometimes if I am being picky my people will feed me some canned EN…. delicious…

What is your favourite part about Mill Creek Animal Hospital?

I love when kittens come in! I am so curious about these small creatures. They are the only patients I actually like!

Who is your favourite staff member at the clinic?

I love Jill and that’s all! I am quite neutral to everyone else, no matter how much they try to love me!

If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be?

Brad Pitt. We are both considered very handsome and very famous. I think we would have a lot in common to talk about!

Written by Jessica Sirovyak, Reception