Blog: Pet Safety

dogs in the back of red car

Driving Safely With Your Pet

Who doesn’t love a good car ride? Well maybe our cats don’t, but most dogs are happy to ride along with us wherever we go.


Spring Time, Tips for Happy Pets

The snow has melted, the birds are chirping, your senior cat is acting like a kitten again, and your dog is ready to make friends with everyone… and their dog! Yep, sounds like spring.


Night Time Safety

It’s that time of year again; you wake up, and it’s dark. You get home from work, and it’s dark. The odds are you’re taking the dog for a walk in the dark too. If this is the case you want to ensure that you and your dog are nice…


Dog Interaction Safety

It is crucial for children to know how to behave around dogs- for their safety and for the dog’s safety. Too often do we hear about incidents that could have been prevented if there was a discussion had about children and pet interaction.  Here are some recommendations on how to…